Featured Children

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    Please select this option if you do not have a preference for a specific age or gender. Our staff will choose a needy child and send you photos and details via email and mail.

  • Nicholas, Boy, Age 13

    Nicholas, Boy, Age 13

    Nicholas has 7 brothers and lives at home with his Mother. Wow, that's alot of boys in one house. Nicholas is in 6th grade.

  • Stensilas, Boy, Age 13

    Stensilas, Boy, Age 13

    Stensilas is in the 5th grade and he lives with his parents in the coastal region of Kenya. He has 1 sister and 2 brothers and wants to serve in them military as an airforce pilot someday. His favorite subject is science, he likes playing football with friends and he desires to pet a dog soon.

  • Gift, Girl, Age 8

    Gift, Girl, Age 8

    Gift is in 2nd grade and she has 1 brother. Bring some hope to her today through sponsorship!

  • Sandra, Age 7

    Sandra, Age 7

    Sandra is a third grader who lives at home with 1 sister. Help inspire hope in her life.

  • Victor, Boy, Age 16

    Victor, Boy, Age 16

    Meet Victor, a vibrant and exceptionally talented 16-year-old student in Grade 10. Victor is a rising star, both academically and athletically. On the field, he stands out as the top striker on his school’s football team, captivating crowds with his agility and goal scoring prowess. His athleticism extends to track events as well; Victor competes in the 1500-meter race, a testament to his versatility, endurance, and commitment to excellence.
    Yet, Victor’s brilliance goes beyond sports. In the classroom, he is a dedicated and high-performing student, passionately working toward his dream of becoming a mechanical engineer. With an unwavering sense of purpose, he approaches his studies with the same zeal he brings to the playing field.
    Will you stand with Victor and help him unlock his full potential? Your support could be the key to transforming his dreams into reality.


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